Court Watch


Don’t Evict PDX volunteers have been observing Landlord/Tenant court in Multnomah County since August 2020, teaching ourselves how the system works and how we, as tenants, can protect ourselves and our communities from evictions. We are not neutral observers. We are adamantly pro-tenant. The courts are not an impartial space, they were built by and for the owning and ruling class. The judges, landlords, and landlord lawyers would prefer to remove people from their homes in the name of profit without community involvement. Our presence should make uncomfortable.



  • Court Watch happens every weekday starting at 9:00am/9:30am. The length of the day depends on how many cases are scheduled that day. Some days court is closed by 11:00am, other days it goes until 4:30pm. If needed, days can be split-up between multiple observers.

  • Observers can attend by phone or video conference (Webex). Currently observers are not allowed in the courtroom due to COVID-19 prevention policies. Eventually, in person observation will be an option again.

  • Don’t Evict PDX provides onboarding and training for observers who wish to do so as a part of our collective. But anyone can login to observe court on their own.

Interested in joining the DE PDX Court Watch Crew; sign-up here >

Resources and useful links for onboarded DE PDX court observers here >